Kickstarting a Renaissance in Social Entreprenership

Progress Playbook


Progress Playbook is a New York City-based consultancy providing startup business consulting services for marginalized communities. They run a number of impactful incubators and training programs to connect community members with resources and supports that meet them where they are in their entrepreneurship journeys.


Two years ago, Progress Playbook launched the NYC Safe program, sponsored by the Mayor's Office of Neighborhood Safety, to equip NYCHA residents with tools to develop businesses that address community needs. After a successful launch, they identified areas for improvement: efficient use of class time, culturally relevant content, a reimagined coaching structure, and a focus on actual business launches over pitching. The new iteration was titled The Renaissance Project and we were brought in to lead its redesign and implementation.


  • Initial Assessment We began by conducting an initial assessment to identify key developmental outcomes for the participants and understand the constraints of the program, such as reduced delivery time. This step was crucial for ensuring that our approach would be both focused and efficient. Our emphasis on equity-centered, community-based design was instrumental in tailoring the program to the unique needs of NYCHA residents, setting the foundation for a relevant and impactful redesign.

  • Design and Development In the design and development phase, we created a new coaching model and designed the core content of the program. This included developing a comprehensive application process to ensure we selected participants who would benefit most from the program. This approach optimized their experience and increased the likelihood of their success. By focusing on creating culturally relevant modules, we made complex business concepts accessible and engaging, directly addressing the lived experiences of the participants.

  • Recruiting and Training Next, we recruited and trained facilitators and curriculum designers. Their task was to translate complex business concepts into digestible, culturally relevant modules. This step was significant in making the content accessible and engaging for the participants. Our focus on cultural relevance ensured that the material resonated with the participants' experiences, thereby enhancing their engagement and learning outcomes.

  • Implementation Finally, we implemented the redesigned 12-week incubation program, featuring one-on-one coaching tailored to each participant's needs. This personalized support aligned their business ideas with community impact goals, making the learning experience more meaningful and impactful. The program concluded with a summit that showcased the new businesses, facilitated community connections, and positioned participants for future success.

We alternated between weekly virtual and monthly in person sessions to explore both the mindsets and skillsets required for social entrepreneurship.


The redesigned program successfully moved 11 participants from idea to business launch across diverse industries, including food justice, education, health and fitness, and technology services for the homeless. The results were significant: strong participant bonds, zero dropouts, and successful business launches with community impact. The program concluded with a summit that showcased the new businesses, facilitated community connections, and positioned participants for future success.

Above is a recap video of the summit produced by Progress Playbook to showcase the interactive activations for each of the incubated social enterprises from our program. This engagement marked our second collaboration with Progress Playbook, and we look forward to future projects that drive cultural representation and social change in NYC.


Decoding the Magic of Summer Camp